Universal Design: Technology Integration (Program)

Landmark College (Vermont)
Certificate Program or selected class options
3+ blended online/in-person courses for post-baccalaureate study


Landmark College offers a post-baccalaureate blended/online low-residency professional certificate courses in Executive Function and LD: Integrating Strategies, Study Skills, and Technology for professionals and graduate students in the fields of education, technology, and support services. Courses are taught using a combination of online instruction and real-time face-to-face learning via social platforms such as Skype. A low-residency component (only one weekend on-site for the third course and one week for the Capstone course) together with a blended course format, make this an ideal option for busy educators and graduate students.

Full Certificate or Selected Class Options: Completion of all classes will lead to the certificate. Individual courses of interest may be taken to receive Landmark College micro-credentials in the focus area(s) of the course.